April 26, 2013

Tic Top 5 Interview: Darren Clegg

Welcome to the first of many Tic Top 5 where we ask an artist the hard hitting questions (not really they're actual quite easy). Todays artist is none other than UK based Graphic Designer turned Toy Artist, Darren Clegg. 

Whether it's his custom munny Army of Darkness series.

His ode to Monty Python with 'It's only a Flesh Wound'

The Green and Gold CyberPunk 'Mech Warrior #1'

Or the Beautiful Christophe and the Beast

Darren has a very distinctive style that sets him apart from most artists within the designer toy industry. We thought we'd ask Darren the Tic Top 5 questions that would give better insight into the mind of a talented artist such as himself.

  1. How did you start in the industry of creating & customizing?
    I have been friends with JPK (Jon Paul Kaiser) for a few years now and saw all his great work and every time we met up down the pub he kept telling me to give it a go, eventually i bought a mini munny and havent looked back since.
  2. What was the first toy or item you customized or created?
    Like i said it was a mini munny, I didnt really know how big and varied the custom toy world was at first and the mini munny seemed like a good starting point.
  3. What influences you?
    I can get influenced by anything from a walk in the park to a complex 3d representation of some maths equation. Its important to keep your eyes open and soak up whats around you. Then when you come to do a new project all these ideas can filter out into something kinda cool hopefully.
  4. What are your weapons of choice? The only tool I really need is my mind, i know that sounds cheesy but as long as I have an idea i can create with whatever is around me, that and a beer always help.
  5. If you could collaborate with anyone (living or dead) who would it be?
    Would have loved to do a colab with Leonardo Da vinci, the guy was a genius at so many things, it would have been fascinating to spend some time in his studio as he was painting one minute, creating some mad machine the next and then dissecting some human remains to try and understand how it all worked. I imagine a colab could have gone so many different ways, it would have been pretty amazing.

Thanks Darren and if you'd like to see more or purchase some of Darren Clegg's awesome work, check out the Collect and Display store here, A lot of Darren's work goes on Instagram or alternatively hit him up via his Facebook email for future work here.

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